
Sunday, 4 November 2012

Not Pretentious At All

Okay, I admit it, I'm an addict!
My Roommate thought I was bored,
 so he gave me some quests!
I play Games on my Android, I play Games on my computer, I even play Games when I'm visiting friends. Gaming is generally the first thing I do when I get up in the morning, and the last thing I do before bed. I Tweet about Games, I Facebook about Games, I eat sleep and breathe Games!

Here's the difference between me and most addicts: I don't let my addiction come between me and real life! I am more likely to ditch whatever dungeon I'm running to go and wash the dishes or start the laundry, than I am to hit lvl 30 before I remember that I had a To-Do List to get through. Nor do I ignore my friends in favour of Games, I am generally invited to play because it is something we genuinely enjoy doing together. In fact, I have one friend who rolled a new character on Borderlands 2 because he couldn't bring himself to play his main without me :P I also recently had a female friend pout because, whenever I come over, we seem to barely have enough time to play one hand of Magic.

I have been told recently that mentioning my To-Do Lists so much on Twitter is apt to make my target audience think I'm a bit of a pretentious, over-achiever. That I am somehow alienating my fan/client base before I've even got myself a steady stream of customers. Okay guys, really? How is it pretentious if I really am getting all of these things done AND finding time to Game to my heart's content? How is it not self advertising to tell people that if I can manage to do all of this, with a chronic health issue, then I can obviously help light a fire under your procrastinating ass if that's what you need?

I will admit that I am, in fact, an over-achiever. I hold myself to a ridiculously high standard. But I strive to hold my friends and clients to only what standard they wish to be held to. You set the bar and tell me how gentle or relentless to be. I'll be the evil taskmaster that drives you towards it.*innocent smile*

Fellow Multitasker 
Admittedly, the A.D.H.D. lends itself towards me being a multi-multi-MULTI-tasker, which generally means that I putter away at several tasks at once, and am suddenly done several of them in the space of a half hour. Hey, what good am I going to be as a Game Hostess if I can't multitask like a dual core processor?

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