Hallowe'en has never been a holiday that I've really gotten all that excited about, even as a kid. But I have to admit, now that I'm in a position to put some effort into some really geeked out costumes...
Doesn't this look very Klingon? |
This is certainly the first costume I've put much effort into. Though I'll admit, Tailsteak did most of the work. I just had to try really hard not to laugh at the antics of the other loud mouthed, smart asses in the room. We managed to combine partial nudity, snuggling, and art into one project. I think that counts as a job well done, don't you? For those of you who recognize the costume, what do you think?
Mmm, Snuggles :) |
It took 2 hours, plus drying time. I got to hang around the apartment with a bunch of shirtless men who decided they didn't want me to feel out of place ;)