
Tuesday, 12 January 2016

An Open Letter To Social Media Phishermen

I recently had need to help a dear friend craft a letter to someone who had been stringing her along with a false online dating profile. With her permission, I am reposting it here, as an Open Letter in the hopes that it may make some sort of difference, either to the victims of such things, or to the perpetrators.

Please feel free to copy it for use in reply to your own false account interactions.


What is it about preying on people like myself, people who already struggle with interpersonal connections for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which are psychological scars leading to substantial trust issues, that gives someone like you so much personal satisfaction? What do you get out of it? 

Why would you post a picture that isn't yours, contact a woman who is looking for truth, continue on after being advised that I don't like games, completely misrepresenting yourself? What, exactly, is the point of all this? 

Now, I suppose it's just slightly possible that those pictures are really of you. If so, I'd be happy to apologize, but considering they're from a photographers site in New Zealand, not Scotland, and are over 7 years old, I do consider it unlikely. 

What do you get out of it? Are you a male who can't get it up without causing someone else distress? Do you have so little confidence in your genuine self that this is the only way you can find to garner attention from others? Is it some sort of social experiment? And if so, where do you draw the line? 

In any case, how do you come to terms with the inhumane games you're playing with another human being's psyche? 

I feel hurt by these actions, and I cannot understand why you've done it. Thanks for another scar, I needed one, I really did. 

I genuinely feel that people such as yourself are what is wrong with the world today. Maybe nothing I've said will matter, maybe you'll just laugh it up with your friends. But I'd like to think that at least something I've said today will strike a chord and make you rethink your strategy going forward. 

May Karma pay particular attention to your life; she's almost as merciless a bitch as you.

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