We played Star Trek Catan while listening to a compilation of Nerd music from a personalized album put together for me by one of the guys, snacked on shrimp trays, birthday cake, and a kinky little dish called S&M's. This tasty treat is created by mixing M&M's and Skittles in the same bowl.
In true Angie fashion,the male to female ratio was 2.5:1. I had to break up at least one instance of Nerd Rage. Most of the rest of the battles were either self diffused, or settled via a match of Super Smash Bros. Melee, or through a round of a card game that we were play testing.
There were, of course, quotes from several of our favourite geek shows, ranging from Star Trek to The Big Bang Theory.

Fun was had by one and all, and nearly everyone participated in the distribution of my 27 Paddy Wacks. I think I'm still probably sporting a hand print or two. Let's just hope they've faded by next year!
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